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This example makes use of an LED Driver in order to control an almost endless amount of LEDs with only 4 pins. We use the 4794 from Philips. There is more information about this microchip that you will find in its datasheet.
An LED Driver has a shift register embedded that will take data in serial format and transfer it to parallel. It is possible to daisy chain this chip increasing the total amount of LEDs by 8 each time.
The code example you will see here is taking a value stored in the variable dato and showing it as a decoded binary number. E.g. if dato is 1, only the first LED will light up; if dato is 255 all the LEDs will light up.
Example of connection of a 4794
/* Shift Out Data * -------------- * * Shows a byte, stored in "dato" on a set of 8 LEDs * * (copyleft) 2005 K3, Malmo University * @author: David Cuartielles, Marcus Hannerstig * @hardware: David Cuartielles, Marcos Yarza * @project: made for SMEE - Experiential Vehicles */ int data = 9; int strob = 8; int clock = 10; int oe = 11; int count = 0; int dato = 0; void setup() { beginSerial(9600); pinMode(data, OUTPUT); pinMode(clock, OUTPUT); pinMode(strob, OUTPUT); pinMode(oe, OUTPUT); } void PulseClock(void) { digitalWrite(clock, LOW); delayMicroseconds(20); digitalWrite(clock, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(50); digitalWrite(clock, LOW); } void loop() { dato = 5; for (count = 0; count < 8; count++) { digitalWrite(data, dato & 01); //serialWrite((dato & 01) + 48); dato>>=1; if (count == 7){ digitalWrite(oe, LOW); digitalWrite(strob, HIGH); } PulseClock(); digitalWrite(oe, HIGH); } delayMicroseconds(20); digitalWrite(strob, LOW); delay(100); serialWrite(10); serialWrite(13); delay(100); // waits for a moment }